
A church is foremost a group of people. This page introduces you to some of the people at St. John’s. If you would like to speak to any of us for any reason, please contact us.

Rector: Vacant


Assistant Minister: Rev'd Sue Thomas

Sue was ordained priest in October 2012 and works part-time in the parish as an Assistant Priest on Thursdays and Sundays. She continues working part-time in a school teaching swimming. Prior to family life, Sue worked for many years as an Administrator at Marks & Spencer’s head office. She enjoys playing the piano, visiting places of interest, and garden design. Sue enjoys discovering a diversity of prayer and exploring the work of the Holy Spirit.

Christine McCutchion

Christine was licensed at Southwark Cathedral in 2013 as a Reader to serve in the church by teaching, preaching and leading services. She enjoys listening and seeing where God is at work. Having been a nurse and a counsellor she is interested in the interconnection between mind body and spirit. Worshipping at Coventry Cathedral during childhood she is keen on ‘reconciliation’. Her interests are painting, enjoying the company of her three daughters and four fun grand-children.

The churchwardens are the key people responsible for all practical aspects of church life, particularly the buildings.
Gill ThaxterRalph Goodwin

Wendy Burton

Wendy works in the church office on weekday mornings. She also runs the monthly Pram service and is involved in baptism preparation.