Weekly News


Sun. 16th Feb.   THIRD SUNDAY before LENT
 8.00 a.m.           Holy Communion (1662),  in the Old Church
 9.30 a.m.           Parish Communion, in Church
                                (and live-streamed on Facebook/through church website)
11.15 a.m.           ‘Contemporary’ service for all ages, in Church

Tues. 18th Feb.
10.00 a.m.          NO ‘Little Ones’

Wed. 19th Feb.
 9.30 a.m.           Churchyard Working Party
 7.00 p.m.           NO ‘Alpha’

Thurs. 20th Feb.
11.00 a.m.           Holy Communion, in the Old Church

Sun. 23rd Feb.  SECOND SUNDAY before LENT
  9.30 a.m.           Parish Communion, in Church
(and live-streamed on Facebook/ through church website)
11.15 a.m.           ‘Contemporary’ service for all ages, in Church
 2.30 p.m.      ‘Has St. John’s Got Talent?’, in Church

Tues. 25th Feb.
 10.00 a.m.           ‘Little Ones’, in the Church   (to 11.30)

Wed. 26th Feb.
  9.30 a.m.           Churchyard Working Party
  7.00 p.m.          ‘Alpha’, in the Church

Thurs. 27th Feb.
 11.00 a.m.           Holy Communion, in the Old Church

Sat. 1st Mar.
10.00 a.m.           Gardening Group, in the Garden of Remembrance   (to 12.00)

Sun. 2nd Mar.   SUNDAY next before LENT
 8.00 a.m.           Holy Communion (1662),  in the Old Church
 9.30 a.m.           Parish Communion, in Church
                                (and live-streamed on Facebook/through church website)
11.15 a.m.           ‘Contemporary’ service for all ages, in Church


… uses a range of social media platforms to share photographs and information about events and services.  If you do NOT wish any posts to include your photograph or your child’s photograph, please inform the Church Wardens via the Parish Office – or on 01737 552461.
Find us on Facebook:
St John’s Church Coulsdon  https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100064881902322
Find us on Instagram:
StJohnsChurchCoulsdon   https://instagram.com/stjohnschurchcoulsdon?igshid=NGVhN2U2NjQ0Yg%3D%3D&utm_source=qr


Zoom Prayer Meeting on Pause this week (18th)
We would love you to join our weekly prayer meeting
every Tuesday 7:30-8am to pray for our church and our area
Zoom ID: 890 1552 2159   Passcode: stjohns


‘LITTLE ONES’ take a half-term break on 18th

… has achieved much pruning, weeding and chatting over the summer.  Thank you to all those who have come along to help.  I propose to carry on throughout the winter on a Wednesday morning.  Please come and join us for exercise, fresh air and chat.    Gill


Join us on Sunday 23rd February at 2.30.to find out.  All ages invited to come and entertain us – could you sing, dance, make music, read poems & stories, do magic tricks, etc. for 3-4 minutes?  Look out for the lists in church to sign up or let the Parish Office [01737 552461 or at ] know if you’d like to book a spot or a seat to come and watch .  FREE event but donations for the Spire Fund very welcome.


Positive life Courses at Purley Baptist Church
During February & March, Purley Baptist Church is running the following course: Boosting the Benefits of Sleep – How to get a good night’s sleep every night’.  Two sessions of 2hrs.  Either Wednesday mornings, 19th and 26th February, from 10am -12 noon, or Monday evenings, 10th and 17th March from 7:15 -9:15pm.   This course will teach you how to boost the benefits of sleep by:  Tackling insomnia and sleep-related problems, Good sleep hygiene and sleep strategies and The impact of not getting enough sleep.  To book your FREE place, or for more details, contact Purley Baptist Church Office (0208 668 0422 or ).


…is returning to St. John’s on Friday 14th March at 7.00 p.m.  This is another fun event suitable for all ages – and it’s on a Friday so no school to worry about the next day!  No need for prior experience – ANYONE can play!  So bring the family or some friends to make up a table/team of six or come on your own and join others on the night – and share a lovely table platter supper.  Book your tickets – £15 adult/£8 child – soon with the Parish Office (01737 552461 or )

Come and join us ‘At the Cross’ – in a Lent group or by yourself – as we consider the different perspectives of 6 people who witnessed the crucifixion themselves:   The Centurion; The Criminal; Joseph of Aramethea;  Mary;  Thaddeus and Martha.  If you would like to be part of a group for Lent or would like to order a booklet to study by yourself, please contact the office ( or 01737 552461).  More details in February parish magazine – available in church by the door – and in glorious colour on this website under ‘Information’.

With huge thanks to our volunteers, donors and supporters, we provided food for just over 4,000 meals for 445 people in December. A fabulous festive response, now it’s back to basics   Following the wonderful response to December’s appeal for Christmas meal items and treats, it is back to the regular staples that we most need to fill our shelves again in January.  Topping this month’s list is hot drinking chocolate needing only water, 500g packets of sugar, boxes/packets of dried potato and cartons of long life full fat milkTinned tuna and jars of peanut butter and meat & fish paste are also requested, along with tins of dessert fruit and rice pudding.  Three non-food items especially needed this month are small bottles of washing up liquid, bars of soap and toilet rolls.’  There’s a marked box in the church porch if you would like to help.

At the last PCC it was agreed that as part of our EcoChurch campaign we would actively encourage more birds to visit the Church Grounds.  If you could donate any bird boxes, bird feeders or bird food and leave the donations in a box in the Church Porch that would be appreciated.  Thank you.

Not sure what to do with your old glasses?  Unwanted spectacles can be recycled at Coulsdon Opticians (opposite Waitrose) or left in the marked bin in the church porch.

Tollers Edible Garden..  has produced small packets of wildflower seeds [labelled ‘Save our Pollinators’] which are available on the large table at the back of the church for just 50p, to raise funds for their community project.  You can read about this venture in the February parish magazine.  You could grow these in a pot, scatter them in a ‘wild’ corner of your garden or, as suggested on the packet, sprinkle them ‘on your daily walk to sprinkle the joy’


APCM 2023 reports

Annual Report for 2022

St John’s Annual Accounts for 2022