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STANDING ORDERS – The best way to give regularly
If you would like to support the ongoing work of St John’s, please consider giving on a regular basis by standing order. As with any organisation or household, we appreciate being able to assess our potential income and this way of giving makes it easier for us to budget.
If you would like to set up a standing order on line, our bank details are:
Account name: Coulsdon St John’s Church PCC
Sort code: 40 52 40
Account number: 00030868
Standing order forms with a gift aid declaration (if applicable) are available on the information desk in church. Please return parts A and B of the form to Lynn Howell, Parish Treasurer, via the letter rack in the church porch, or the Parish Office.
For those who prefer to give less regularly, yellow gift aid envelopes are available in church. Individual gift aided donation forms are also available on the information desk, and should be returned to the Parish Treasurer with your donation.
Click here to download a Gift Aid form: GIFT AID Form
If you shop online you may wish to support us through the Easy Fundraising website. If you sign up to our cause page, and always access your favourite online shopping sites through the Easy Fundraising website, we will receive a small donation every time you shop. Our cause page can be found at: